For the most part, Gakuen Alice is a fairly episodic series about the adventures of spunky ten-year-old Mikan as she acclimates to attending a mysterious school whose students all have special powers known as Alices. Beginning in volume six, however, its first multi-volume arc, involving an organization that’s opposed to the Alice Academy and is responsible for infecting … [Read more...] about Gakuen Alice 7 by Tachibana Higuchi: B
Gakuen Alice 6 by Tachibana Higuchi: B+
From the back cover: A series of mysterious incidents in which Alices lose their powers strikes close to home when Prez's abilities suddenly disappear! As if that isn't bad enough, an encounter with "Z," the Anti-Academy organization (who might be behind the missing Alices), leaves Hotaru sorely wounded. A cure may lie outside the school, but how will Mikan and her friends get … [Read more...] about Gakuen Alice 6 by Tachibana Higuchi: B+
Gakuen Alice 5 by Tachibana Higuchi: B+
From the back cover: The Alice Festival is coming to a close, but the surprises and fun aren't over for Mikan and her friends yet! Things get a little crazy for Narumi's musical when an accident takes out some of the performers and Mikan has to step in as the star of the show. But what will happen when she and Luca have to kiss on stage?! And as if that's not enough, as soon as … [Read more...] about Gakuen Alice 5 by Tachibana Higuchi: B+
Gakuen Alice 4 by Tachibana Higuchi: B+
From the back cover: Mikan’s daring rescue of Natsume earned her an upgrade to One-Star rank, with all attendant privileges. And just in time, too. For the School Festival is about to begin, and the Special Ability class is using every last trick they’ve got to create an exciting—and surprising—attraction! Review: There's not as much darkness in this volume, and though I'm a … [Read more...] about Gakuen Alice 4 by Tachibana Higuchi: B+
Gakuen Alice 3 by Tachibana Higuchi: B+
From the back cover: The school cultural festival is approaching, and the special guest is Reo, a former Alice student turned Hollywood superstar! But Reo is involved in some awfully shady dealings, and when his plans suddenly start to involve Natsume, it's up to Mikan and Sumire to save the day! Review: I never thought I’d be giving a B+ to something featuring a school … [Read more...] about Gakuen Alice 3 by Tachibana Higuchi: B+